Ah… From democracy, to idiocracy, truly we must the most advanced race.

Posts tagged “Funny

And here’s a little something I found online yesterday….

    Ah… the age of suing. Apparently no one can simply say, “Wow, I am an idiot for doing such a thing. I think I’ll just be more careful not to do that again.” Is it really that difficult to say? How hard is it, whether you get absolutely infuriated, or laugh it off, that you made a mistake? Obviously a lot harder than it seems to me.  If you haven’t noticed, there is a link below to go to youtube. More specifically, to the page that shows an example of stupidity. Even more specifically, the lady know as ” The Lady Who Fell in the Fountain at the Mall While Texting.” Ok, I don’t know what she is actually known as, other than idiot, moron, fool, a terrible liar, stupid, foolish, an idiot… wait, I already said that. Oh, here is the link.


    Ok, honestly, no matter what I put on here I don’t think I can top what Nick said. I’m listening to the video again, and laughing histericaly. Ok, not so much hystericaly, just in my mind as everyone is sleeping. But oh my gosh, the fountain could have been empty, she could have hit the bus, it could have happened anywhere! There could have been a bus driving through the mall. WOW! I’m gonna have to be careful the next time I am walking through the mall. The bus might hit me!

    I do have a question though, why attempt to sue the mall? The fountain wasn’t doing anything, it was just sitting there minding it’s own business. That poor fountain! It was that blasted phone who is to blame. It was distracting her and forcing her to pay attention to it’s tiny screen that completely coverered her field of view! Her peripheral vision had no chance! Next thing you know, people might start texting while they are driving, and they will wreck too! Oh… wait.. that does happen. Maybe that’s why it’s illegal in some places to text while you’re driving. I guess we better be careful or the government might implement a no texting while walking rule. We’ll have State Troopers combing the malls constantly for these people that are so foolish as to risking their lives and countless others’ lives by texting and walking simultaneously. Ahhhhhhh.. the horror.

    I tried to top Nick. I’m sure I had a groaner or two in there, maybe even a knee-slapper, but I’ll leave you to decide that. I’ll continue, though, to bring the latest and most terrible and tragic stories to you daily or hourly or something, so that you can be aware of the infamous cell-phone and their homosidal tendancies. They are everywhere, I don’t know how we are still alive.

    I did find a way to embed this video after I posted this, so now I am reposting with the original footage. Unfortunately, I cannot imbed the interview with her, but I’m hoping you aren’t too lazy just to click on the link. So, without further ado(I think I am beginning to like that word), here you go, the Fountain Lady!